How to germinate cannabis seeds?
How to germinate cannabis seeds?
Germinating marijuana seeds can be done in different ways. Each experienced grower has his own prefereces. Before we dive into the diverse methods it’s a good idea to contemplate a little on how nature deals with this.
After the female cannabis plant has been pollinated by the male cannabis plant pollen, the female weed plant starts to produce seeds. This takes 9 weeks on average. When the seeds have matured the weed plant starts to rot causing the seeds to fall to the ground, winter begins.
A rotten cannabis plant in january.
It starts to freeze, then thaw setts on and the weed seeds start to germinate. This proces teaches us multiple things.
- Climate conditions needed for germinating marijuana seeds.
- How does nature store it’s marijuana seeds?
Cannabis seeds germinate in nature after the freezing stops. A moist cold period, especially low above ground where the seeds reside.
The cannabis seeds are stored during winter. This teaches you to store your cannabis seeds in a cold environment for them not to lose their ability to germinate.
Cannabis seeds germination
Cannabis seeds germinate in a glass of water.
Throw the marijuana seeds in a glass filled with slightly lukewarm water and wait. Is it really that easy? Yes! The glass filled with the water can be kept at room (ambient) temperature. The water will quickly become dirty. Therefore it is neccessary to refresh the water in time in order to prevent the seeds from rotting
Because the seeds are in the water for quite some time, the germs are very fragile. Keep this in mind when repotting. With multiple species, it is important during germination to label the glasses so you don’t forget which species of cannabis resides in which glass.
Germinating marijuana seeds in a glass of water
Since the water needs to be replenished, this is the most labor intensive germination method
Germinating cannabis seeds on a moist surface
A heavily used weed seed germination method is using a moist surface. This surface can consist of moist absorbing materials like kitchen roll paper and cotton. This is often done at living room temperatures which makes the moisture vaporize quickly. A commenly made mistake is underestimating the speed at which the moisture vaporizes. When the seeds lay dry, nothing will happen (they will not germinate).
To prevent dehidration the moist surface can be placed within a closed wrapping, for instance in between two dinner plates creating condensation. Also, it is possible to spray the surface with fresh water on a daily basis in order to prevent dehidration.
Germinating cannabis seeds on a moist surface.
A recently discoverd video shows a do-it-yourself method that doesn’t need any maintenance. Set it and forget it.
Germinating cannabis seeds in soil.
Germination marijuana seeds in soil is the easiest approach in our view. What is important? Right, MOISTURE! Don’t let the soil get dehidrated but also do not make it ludacrisly wet. Put the seed about 5 milimeter deep and moisturise the soil. Keep at room tempurature. Check the soil daily for dehidration. The perfect soil is special sawing soil but regular potting soil or even garden soil are also fine. As long as the seeds are not put to deep into the ground and do not get dehidrated things will work out fine.
Why using this method? Repotting is not neccessary as the seed is allready in soil and so no chance of damages during repotting occurs. Just occasionally check soil humidity, that’s all.
Germinating old, hard to germinate seeds
- Do you keep old seeds from the 80’s or maybe earlier in your fridge?
- Do you keep seeds in your desk that have been stored incorrectly?
These are two examples of seeds that are hard to germinate.
Research shows hydrogen peroxide stimulates germination of seeds. Healthy seeds will germinate in a hydrogen peroxide bath within 24 hours. Hydrogen peroxide is for sale at your local pharmacy for just a couple of euro/pount/dollar etc. Hydrogen peroxide is normally used for: rinsing when have olcers, oxidising, bleatching (hair), disinfection (in dencer concentration) even of drinking water.
Mix the hydrogen peroxide with regular tap water and put your seeds in it. Proportions: 1 part of hydrogen peroxide (3%) compares to 5 parts of water = 0.5%. Learn more about it at this post at the weed forum
General information on cannabis seeds germination
In the above explanation germination seeds at room tempuratures is regularly discussed. Research shows seeds like warmth and moisture that makes for the perfect germination conditions. When we look at nature, this is not a neccessity. Outdoor growers are advised to saw directly on full open soil so the roots will not be hindered while developing.
Be aware of the fact that the hatchlings need protection from snails, birds, rabbits and other leaf eaters when germination from open outdoor soil. Germs can quickly turn into a nice snack for these anymals. Therefore you need to saw extra seeds, and put a transparrent cup over the germs. Use a copper ring to protect the germs from snails
Snails hate copper.
- Is to much moisture possible? YES! To much moisture can make your seeds or germs rot so keep this in mind.
- Don’t forget to lable.
- Cannabis seeds like dark conditions.
- Germation periods vary among species and conditions, up to a two week diffence.
The above information is based on personal grower experiences and can contain errors. Do you have different experiences or ideas for improvement? Let us know!